Most certainly, if you have never been part of an On-site process mapping event, you do not really know what to expect and even how to go about organizing it. The good news is that it is simpler than Value Stream Mapping and that you can easily get all of your questions answered if you visit sooner rather than later.
If this is your first time thinking about investing in such an event, you should be aware of the fact that process mapping is something that can be easily implemented when you are interested in learning the current condition of a process or department. When you are determined to organize it within your organization, the best idea that you could have would be to rely on a team of professionals that can do it for you. Even better, they should be able to take it one step further and offer you the chance to get certified regarding six sigma principles.
Most probably, you have heard about the different levels that you can go through. Returning to the fact that you can organize an on-site event as the one mentioned above, you should know that it lasts a few days and that your team is going to enjoy it. They will learn a lot and will also be more than happy that you have offered them this opportunity. It would be recommended that you learn everything you can about the various course providers before you pick one to organize your event and send over their instructors.
Resource Box:
If you would like to invest in in a On-site process mapping event and then take it to the next level – to Value Stream Mapping, you should visit This way you can get all of your questions answered and begin planning the right event!